My Swedish friends think I'm a moron when it snows, it makes me so happy. Of course my 'Non-snow-dwellers' will understand, this fluffy white business falling from the sky is extremely beautiful and exciting. I get the cons. It's freezing. It's messy. People complain.
I've found some solutions for the freeze, they might not work for everyone - but I've tried to pinpoint the reasons why I love it so damn much and work backwards from there.
1. Catch the train. I don't actually drive here in Stockholm - but I can see that it sucks hard core in the snow because people have to drive very slowly in the ice. Traffic is dreadful and can get a bit dangerous. Positives about the train, it's warm inside - and the weather has to be major bad for it to really slow down the service so you can rely on it not to be late.
2. Wear appropriate footwear. Don't wear sneakers or even boots with no grip. Invest in some kind of hiking boot or something that's lined with shearling or ethical fur. Once you have boots that are pretty much ready for combat then your ability to move around and traverse ice/muddy puddles at intersections will go from a hassle to a breeze.
3. Don't mess around with fashion. What I meant to say here is - don't sacrifice feeling like you have to be stylish over practicality. Notice my lack of outfit posts lately? I'm dressing like trooper thats why. Puffy layers and beanie hair. Honestly - knowing you're going to be warm enough in what you're wearing outside makes the world of difference in your comfort in mobility. Try Uniqlo for puffy jackets, they are cheap and really warm!
3. Take in the scenery. As you can see - the snow turns the the city in a magical wonderland so enjoying the sight can be absolutely wonderful - and very insta-friendly! Haha! In other words, shut up and enjoy it. ;)
4. Appreciate the light. Winter can be dark - especially here in Stockholm. When the snow arrives, it's much brighter for hours later and you get more light in the evenings because the street lights reflect from the ground. Gotta love that warm ambience!
5. Spread positive thoughts. Soooo people tend to complain alot in the winter - but it's also true that the same people can vibe off your positive juju too! Case in point, I work in an office with a load of people who are super happy and friendly all the time and it's totally infectious. Good times.
6. Wake up early. Maybe this one sucks a bit - but get up early just once and go outside and enjoy that incredible silence you can only get from from a soft sound-proofing blanket of snow all over the city. You have to do it before they plow most of it anyway. It's worth it! Magical.
7. Go Ice Skating. I promise you can't focus on being cold when staying up right is the goal. Once you get the hang of it it's super fun! Exercising outside is great for your mental powers of positivity.
8. Make a snow angel. YOLO.
I actually snapped all these pics this morning on my Canon G1X while I was running a load of errands. It was what got me thinking about how I was skipping around like a smiling moron and the locals were head down and grimacing. I wish I could have taken better shots but as soon as I switch the camera on the low battery sign started flashign so I could only a few pics in each spot before I had to switch it off. I even managed to get a few extra shots in once it went flat by licking the battery and reinserting it. #donttrythisathome
Photos by me