I actually love tram stations in Europe, they seem so quaint to me. These were taken in Milan while I was there for MFW. Perfect sunset huh? Excited to snap some of those endless sunsets they have here in Sweden during Summer - june, july - the land of eternal sunshine. Such a dream.
Meanwhile it's raining and cloudy here in Stockholm and I've got quite a busy day ahead of me, in the process of constructing a media kit which I've long been putting off simply because I hate forced self promotion (how ironic of a style blogger!) and thats kind of the whole point of a media kit. Thank goodness I've had the help of other people to write about myself before this… Wahhh so much tedious work.
Meanwhile thanks so much to everyone who asked me questions from my video! There's so many now! I will have to do two video answers to get through them all. I'm grateful you're interested :)
photos by Rebecca, editing - me
Pants and top, Philosophy
bag, Choies
sunglasses, Tom Ford