Filming in much harder than taking pictures… well maybe its just that I haven't quite mastered how to use my lens on video, you really need to be on the ball and getting into the right spot. Glad I got the footage that I did though, allowing me to make my first foray into really capturing the scene outside the show.
A technical problem I'm having, obviously all this footage is in high resolution but when I upload it into youtube it's so blurry. Looks like I filmed it with a potato. I really can't work out whats wrong after google searching some answers… does anyone know a solution for this? Would be grateful for the help! I thought perhaps it could be that it took around 8 hours to load the freaking thing into youtube using my brilliant hotel wifi connection. What is it with French hotels sucking at wifi?! For a blogger it's like having no water - no one wants to have to go all the way to Starbucks to drink water!!
Update: Ok maybe its just my youtube settings that's making it seem so bad - but I can't check because my internet is too slow when I update the the speed I can't view it. Can anyone confirm?
And now I need to check out of my room in 15 minutes to change hotels and I've sprayed my clothes all over the place. Gittin' to it!
Hope you like the vid!
All footage and editing by me
Song, Lasers - Amsterdam